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Becoming aware of how your body feels when you're around certain people and/or places, situations is an art form. This awareness comes once when we realize that we are in control of our emotions. Unfortunately, not everyone has your best interest at heart, this can include friends, and family members. Energy never lies, so learn to trust the vibes you get and readjust your soul-circle. If you feel drained, anxious, on edge and just not like your self - those are not your people. The same goes for places and situations. If you don't feel good, it's ok to cancel that plan or simply say "no, thank you" to hanging out with certain people. Trust me that they won't stay offended for as long as you will feel crappy about doing something or hanging out with people that lower your vibration.

Learn to embrace those that make you feel you feel alive, inspire you, and as Marie Kondo says "spark joy". If people don't spark joy in you, its time to re-think that relationship/friendship. Its important to not let yourself simply hangout with people just to not feel "lonely". Theres a saying in Spanish that my mom always says "Its better to be alone than in bad company". Nothing could be more true.

If it costs you your peace, than its too expensive. Love yourself first and foremost; Protect your energy, always. Remember, your vibe attracts your tribe; so make sure your Vibing high and staying away from those energy vampires.

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Burning Incense


"Sofia has such a special gift! I have done her meditations twice now and both were magical experiences and much needed. She has a special way of connecting with everyone on such a deep level and has very caring and thoughtful energy. I am careful with how I spend my time and energy, and the meditation sessions are so so worth it. I felt so joyful and rejuvenated after, and the energy I got filled me right up and lasted through the week. I can’t wait for the next one!"



"LOVED the experience I had with Sofia/Mindful Bliss Tribe! Did the guided mediation and the mindfulness workshop. I felt a feeling of release and calmness through my entire body after the mediation. Like whatever it was I was holding on to just vanished. With the mindfulness workshop, I felt like i shifted into a a really high state of gratitude and appreciation, that just came naturally. I was living on a cloud just being super grateful for all things little and big, it was different than anything I have ever experience. I am looking forward to the next one! Highly recommend! If you are just curious about it, give it a try you never know what you will discover." 

- Arlene, Scottsdale AZ


"Sofia is amazing at facilitating her virtual mediation and workshops. Especially during this stressful time, her being able to provide these events virtually are so helpful and wonderful. I literally have the best meditation experiences. Not only that, but everyone who joins, from different regions of the world, brings the best, positive energy. I really feel so at peace after the mediations, as well as releasing and negative emotions or energy that no longer serves me. I always learn something new from these workshops that i can take out of and put into my own experiences and life. Sofia also mails out the best meditation empowerment kits."

- Samantha, Sound Bath Tampa FL


"Sofia's virtual meditation ceremonies are amazing! You can feel her peaceful energy through the camera and her voice is so soft and soothing. They are amazingly helpful if you're on a healing journey."

- J.N.

J.N.  / Sound Bath, TAMPA, FL

"Sofia has been blessed with the natural gift of healing.  She has an innate ability to bring calmness and stillness to your body and soul.  Her sound healing sessions are something absolutely indescribably transformative.  I have had two sessions and both times I felt lighter and more centered than ever before.  The second one even led to an immediate outreach from my twin  flame who had not spoken to me in months.  She balances the chakras and raises the soul's vibration  to meet the high level of positive energy frequency the universe is offering.  In other words, she helps you turn yourself to the right channel where dreams come true."


"Sofia has a natural ability to calm you as soon as you meet her. She has an amazing gift that makes you want  to be a better person, the way she is. During my sound healing experience I had a sense of calmness that I don't think I've ever had before. Sofia  truly has a gift and I recommend her and all of her services to anyone who is looking to find calmness and peace within their selves."


Energy Healing, Sound Bath, Sound Therapy, Mindset Coach , Group Sound Bath, Chakra Balancing| Mindful Bliss Tribe | Tampa, FL
Energy Healing, Sound Bath, Sound Therapy, Mindset Coach , Group Sound Bath, Chakra Balancing| Mindful Bliss Tribe | Tampa, FL

© 2015-2030 by Mindful Bliss Tribe, LLC • Website curated by, Conscious Media Co. 

All Rights Reserved • Photos by The Alchemist Media, Copyright Reserved • Other images Leighann Huberman, Copyright Reserved

Images from: Forever Conscious -, Rose Rambles - https://roserambles.org


Energy Healing, Sound Bath, Sound Therapy, Mindset Coach , Group Sound Bath, Chakra Balancing| Mindful Bliss Tribe | Tampa, FL
Energy Healing, Sound Bath, Sound Therapy, Mindset Coach , Group Sound Bath, Chakra Balancing| Mindful Bliss Tribe | Tampa, FL
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